How I Sold My Blog For $60,000

How I sold my blog for $60,000

How I Sold My Blog For $60,000

I sold my blog for nearly $60,000 a few years ago. I did this after learning the fundamentals of blogging, using analytics, and monetizing my blog. This entire process took about 2 years, from my first month of $1.23 to the sale price of $60,000.

This guide will show you how to take the necessary steps to blog and prepare your blog for a sale. These steps worked for me, and you may use some or all of these steps to prepare your blog for an eventual sale.


Blogging consists of finding a niche to blog or create content about. The goal is to get visitors to this content so you can share your valuable information. When visitors arrive at your site, they can read your content and click on links that provide additional information.

Below, you will get information on the necessary steps if you are planning to sell your blog.

Define Your Niche

The first thing I did was narrow my blog to a specific niche. My niche was about spreadsheets. I selected this niche because, at that time, I was a Microsoft technical trainer and my students tended to ask the same spreadsheet questions over and over.

Once you have a niche, you need to research this niche so you can post content on your blog regarding this niche.

In my case, I had different classes weekly and noticed a trend of the same topics and questions being asked. I had even compiled a FAQ tips email that I would send out nearly weekly when I got the same questions from different groups of students!

This is important as you prepare your blog for sale. You want to clearly communicate what your blog is about to potential buyers.

Do Your Keyword Research

A huge part of my research was keyword research. I knew the questions my students asked, but I wanted to see how they searched on Google and online for answers to these questions.

This research led me to use the following tools:

  • Google (obviously)
  • Google Trends
  • Ubersuggest
  • AnswerThePublic
  • Word Tracker

Many of these tools are no longer free, but they all provide valuable keyword research. For example, when you use Google, have you ever noticed that it auto-populates with suggestions of keywords you may be looking for?

This is a huge clue that this suggested keyword phrase is what potential visitors are searching for when they visit your blog.

The mistake I see many bloggers make is to assume they know what is best for their visitors and the blogger creates their own keywords. This is a mistake because people don’t think like you. Use the keyword tools above to find what people are actually searching for instead of what you think they are searching for!

As you keyword research, you want to create of core keywords and long tail keywords. Your core keywords will be keyword phrases that describe your niche. These core keywords may be too competitive to initially try to rank for on Google so you find complementary to the core keywords.

This step is important when you convey this information to potential buyers. This research along with your analytical data should be available to your buyer so they can have this data for future posts and content planning.

Create Content Plan

Once you have your keywords, it’s time to develop a content plan. This is your plan to publish content on  your blog weekly. This is a huge commitment to make.

I’ve noticed that people are excited initially but get bored if they select a topic they aren’t truly interested in or passionate about. I’ve also noticed that people will get busy with their work or home life and not make the blog a priority. These same students will ask why their blog isn’t making any income, but when I check out their blog, it only has 2 posts and the blog is 6 months old.

This is where your content plan must be applied. You want to plan content for each week and publish the content. Ensure your content has at least 1500–2000 words and uses one of the keyword phrases we discussed in the keyword research section.

When I started blogging, I loved my topic, so I posted every day. I loved talking about spreadsheets and it showed in my content! I realize this isn’t the norm, but it paid off for me when I had a $5000/month income! cha-ching!

The blog that I sold had over 250 pieces of unique content. Most of it was written within the first year of the blog.

I had this data in a spreadsheet available to my buyer so they knew what was on the blog.

Share Your Blog

Once you have content on your blog, it’s time to publish it. I used WordPress for my blogging platform, and my hosting company provides it as a tool.

I love using WordPress because it gives me control of my content and allows me to design and modify my blog as I see fit.

When I started blogging, I initially tried using Blogger. This was a great way to launch a blog, but one day I used a trademarked commercial phrase as my Blogger name. I didn’t realize my mistake, but I was so proud of my newly designed blog and my content I had added on my first day working on it.

Can you believe the next day my blog was removed from Blogger because I used a trademarked term? There was no warning, the blog was gone from Blogger the next day!

Lesson learned!

Once your blog is published on your blog, share it online with social media. You can use it for Youtube videos, share it on Facebook or Tiktok, and even tweet about it.  

You can also encourage your visitors to share your blog so more people can see your content and maybe become a fan!

Analyze Your Blog

Once your blog is up and running, install some analytic tools. These tools will prove to be invaluable as your blog grows. Analytics will show you the following:

  • Your Traffic Per Day/Month/Year
  • Source Of Your Traffic
  • Keywords (sometimes) that traffic used to find you
  • Country of Origin of Traffic
  • Duration of Visit from traffic
  • Type of Device Your Traffic is using
  • Internal Searches On Your Blog
  • Heat Map Showing You Where Traffic Clicked

This information can help you mold the traffic according to what your traffic wants versus what you think they need. In the blog I sold, I had steady traffic for several months, but I wanted to grow.

I had a blog comment asking me to add an image to my blog. I thought it was the silliest thing and didn’t think it applied to my type of blog (spreadsheets). I thought about the comment for three weeks as I considered this suggestion.

Reluctantly, I added this image and got the biggest surprise. My traffic nearly tripled in that first week and continued to grow due to this suggestion. This is when I realized how important it was:

  • To use analytics see what made my traffic grow,
  •  To listen to suggestions from readers instead of assuming i knew what was best
  • And answer all post comments with a blog post instead of a private message.

My favorite analytics tool I’ve used is Clicky. It used to be called GetClicky but it has always been my favorite blogging tool. They had heatmaps long before Google Analytics.

Monetize Your Blog

As you add content and develop your content plan, start looking for ways to monetize your blog. There are several ways to make money with your blog. Here are some excellent examples:

  • Banner Ads,
  • Affiliate Sales,
  • Exclusive Pay Per View Content
  • Physical Products
  • Services
  • Speaking Engagements
  • Consulting
  • Digital Products

This first blog used banner ads mostly and I was able to download my banner ads reports from the vendor and place this data in a spreadsheet for my buyer.

Organize The Data

Prior to selling my blog, I collected the information mentioned above into a spreadsheet and word document. I wanted to show the potential buyers I was organized and able to present the fully functioning business that was running nearly on autopilot due to the evergreen content and monetization tools.

This data was then provided to the buyer once we had an escrow account and the buyer’s funds were verified.

I got an attorney to assist me during the process, and we tweaked the initial contract submitted by the selling agency. As a potential seller, be sure to read all of the paperwork and make changes if you feel they aren’t beneficial to you during the selling process.

There are several companies you can use during the selling process. I used QuietLight and they were exceptional during this month long process. I had assistance with my attorney and we made a great deal for $60,000 when the blog was sold! I am grateful I was able to sell my blog and it still alive and running online to this day!  If you are considering selling, use this link and it will let them know I sent you there! Sell My Blog

Have you considered selling your blog? If so, did this answer your questions or did you have questions that were not addressed in this guide? I can add more tips and content based on your questions and blog comments!